Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • This Week I Am Reading… Northern Soul by Phil Earle

    Northern Soul by Phil Earle From award-winning author Phil Earle comes the hilariously agonising account of one teenage boy’s disastrous attempts to win the heart of the cool new girl……

    POSTED : Friday 19 January 2024
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  • A-Level Taster Lessons

    To mark the end of their GCSE mock exams, Year 11 experienced two days of A-Level taster lessons on 18 and 19 January. As well as grappling with new concepts……

    POSTED : Friday 19 January 2024
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  • Artist of the month: Zahra’s Oil Pastel Christmas Tree

    Congratulations to Zahra K-E (Year 9), who is January’s Queenswood Artist of the Month. Zahra’s oil pastel study of Christmas baubles was the winning design in December’s House Christmas Card……

    POSTED : Friday 12 January 2024
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  • Mrs Cameron’s New Year Message

    Mrs Cameron has recorded a video message for the new term, explaining our new School Ethos statement which challenges us all to live and work together in kindness, honesty, integrity……

    POSTED : Friday 12 January 2024
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  • Flying the Flag for Queenswood…in Antarctica!

    Flags designed by some Year 7 and 8 Geographers have made it all the way to Antarctica!The flags, created by Larissa K, Jeanie J, Caitlin F and Kate R (amongst……

    POSTED : Friday 12 January 2024
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