Senior Prefect Team Tea Party: Thank You from the Admissions and Marketing Team
VANESSA LEIGH, ADMISSIONS AND MARKETING TEAM The Admissions and Marketing Team expressed their grateful thanks to the outgoing Senior Prefects this week, with an informal get-together over tea and cake.Head……
Who Let the Dogs Out? Zennor's Birthday Pawty
On Monday 29 April, Stamp House boarders celebrated a very special occasion for Treat Night – Zennor’s 7th Birthday! Zennor is Mrs Ludwick’s friendly flat-coated retriever who lives in Stamp,……
Year 7 Celebrate La Fête du Muguet
VIOLAINE LUDWICK, TEACHER OF FRENCHIn French lessons this week, Year 7 learned about La Fête du Muguet, which is celebrated in France on 1st May. They made cards to give……
This Week in Chapel: Autism Acceptance Month and Prefect Handover
AUTISM ACCEPTANCE MONTHOn Monday, Echo A (13W) organised a Home Clothes Day and invited students to wear something red in support of Autism Acceptance Month. In addition, Echo gave a……
GCSEPod: Information for Students and Parents
Mr Lovell, Assistant Head – Digital Strategy, would like to draw parents’ attention to GCSEPod, a digital platform accessible to all Queenswood students in Years 10 and 11.On the platform,……