OQ Frankie Spooner visits Q to talk about working in Tech!
On Wednesday 7 February we welcomed Frankie Spooner OQ (2010) back to Queenswood to speak to our Sixth Form students about mindset and how this has made her successful in……
RSM Insight Event: An Invitation to Year 13 Students and their Parents
RSM, one of the top 10 accounting firms in the UK, would like to invite students from local schools, along with their parents, to an upcoming insight event for prospective……
Flipping Good Weekend Fun: Practise your Pancakes!
It’s Shrove Tuesday next week and an opportunity to practise your pancake flipping skills! The Newsletter Team have shared have shared their favourite pancake recipe below, so this weekend why……
This Week in Chapel: Being People of Integrity
Integrity In Assembly this week Mrs Stokes encouraged us to be people of integrity: to do what we say we are going to do and in doing so, to build……
Pupil Voice: Single Use Plastic Water Bottles and Packed Lunches
In our recent School Council meeting we discussed how the single use plastic water bottles in packed lunches are mostly being wasted as most students have their own water bottles…….