Pupil Voice – School Council: ‘You Said, We Did!’
Thank you to all pupils who have submitted comments and feedback via the School Council. Staff have listened to your suggestions and have implemented some changes. You said:Can we have……
Eco Warriors Club: Bake Sale for Save the Bees!
The Eco-Warriors Club held a bake-sale this week in aid of Save the Bees and raised £75 by selling various delicious cakes along with bee-themed pins and badges. Not only……
Tennis and Sport Scholarships to US Universities
Ralph Clarke from Sport USA visited Queenswood on Tuesday 23 January to talk to parents and students regarding Tennis and Sport Scholarships to US universities. He spoke about the expectations,……
Duke of Edinburgh Award Expeditions 2024
Please find some key dates below for this year’s Duke of Edinburgh Award, starting with this weekend’s Bronze Award training days. BronzeTraining 27 and 28 January 9am to 4pm at QAssessed……
Weekend Fun: Swing into Action and Play Crazy Golf!
If you like the idea of playing crazy golf this weekend, there are some hugely fun and innovative courses to visit in London or closer to home. With themes ranging……