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A-Level Options: The Next Steps for Year 11 Pupils

Friday 5 January 2024

Year 11 pupils began contemplating the next stage of their academic careers on Friday 5 January, with a series of talks from senior staff and discussions with subject teachers in the Bellman Sixth Form Centre.

They learned about the 28 A-Level subjects available at Queenswood, as well as exciting academic opportunities such as the Extended Project Qualification and our own programme of elective non-examined courses known as Column Q.

The process of choosing options begins after next week’s mock exams, when Year 11 will experience two days of A-level lessons. They will need to submit their choices of subjects for these taster sessions no later than Monday 8 January.

The deadline for submitting options for study from September 2024 is Monday 26 February.  At Queenswood we build the timetable based on pupils’ actual choices, and we do our best to accommodate the widest possible range of subject combinations.