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Thursday 17 August 2023

Pupils, parents and teachers at Queenswood School are celebrating a richly deserved set of A-Level results today. Year 13 students have been rightfully rewarded for their dedication and hard work.

They are now looking ahead to exciting undergraduate courses at some of the leading institutions in the UK and USA. These include: Geography at Cambridge; Computer Science at St Andrews; Medical Bioscience at Imperial College London; Veterinary Science at Aberystwyth; Classics at King’s College London; Music Production at Berklee (Boston, Massachusetts); Criminology at Liverpool; Spanish and Management at University College London; Journalism at Leicester; Fine Art at Goldsmiths; and Illustration at the School of Visual Arts, New York.

Almost a third of grades were A*-A, with a fifth of students achieving at least three A*-A grades. 100% of grades achieved in Dance, Design and Technology, Geography, Media Studies and Spanish were A*-B.

Commenting on the results, Principal, Jo Cameron remarked: ‘Our students and staff have worked extremely hard to achieve these results, which are all the more impressive given the significant disruption they faced during the first year of A-Level study. I would like to wish the class of 2023 every success as they embark on the next exciting stage of their careers.’

Izzie E (left) was delighted with her four A*s. ‘I am thrilled to have had my place confirmed at Cambridge. As this was my first set of formal exams and the grade boundaries have been tightened this year it was a relief to see the results this morning. I would like to thank the Geography Department who went above and beyond to support me throughout the application, interview and exam process.’