Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

A-levels 2016 – another superb set of results

Thursday 18 August 2016

Queenswood’s Sixth Formers are celebrating another superb set of A-level and Pre-U results. 73% of grades were A*–B in the 23 subjects offered. 40% of students gained at least three A*/A grades, while over 20% of all grades achieved were A* – the highest ever tally for the school. Bucking the downward national trend, the proportion of A* and A grades rose to an impressive 52%.

These splendid results have secured places for the girls on a range of undergraduate courses at highly prestigious Universities, including History at Cambridge, Politics and International Relations at the London School of Economics, Philosophy at University College London and English at Kings College London.

Retiring Principal Pauline Edgar was delighted with the girls’ achievements. ‘These results are a just reward for the tremendous resourcefulness and resilience shown by students and staff. I wish the girls all the very best for future.’