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A Message of Support from the Chaplain Reverend Vindra Maraj-Ogden

Thursday 25 February 2021

Reverend Vindra, Queenswood Chaplain, would like to offer her continued support to the whole Queenswood family at this challenging time. Here is her message for pupils, parents, staff and the wider Q community.

I am aware that, for many of us, this period of lockdown brings challenges. As Chaplain I would like to offer my support as follows:

Would you like a situation remembered in prayer?

If you would like to send me prayers then I would be happy to include them in my daily prayer time in the chapel. These could be prayers for yourselves, family members, or about any situation which is causing anxiety and stress.

Would you like a candle lit in chapel?

If so, just let me know and I will be happy to do this for you.

Would having a chat be helpful?

If you would like to have a chat, just let me know and we can arrange a convenient time.

For all of the above requests, please contact Rev’d Vindra at
[email protected]

Prayers are said every day for the Q community.