Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

A Welcome Message from Caroline Noone, Head of UK Admissions

Monday 9 October 2023

I hope this newsletter finds you and your school community well and that the 2023-2024 academic year has got off to a happy and productive start.

At Queenswood, our students are immersing themselves in all that the school has to offer - a broad and dynamic curriculum, innovative changes to our learning spaces, over one hundred weekly co-curricular activities and exciting opportunities beyond the school gates, including our recent Year 7 Bonding Trip to Devon.

We look forward to bringing you regular updates throughout the year and hope that you enjoy reading about our pupils' successes, enhancements to our facilities and plans for the future. Please do encourage your families to contact the Admissions Team if they require any support with the admissions process and we wish you all a year filled with growth, achievement and lasting memories.

Best wishes

Caroline Noone
Head of UK Admissions