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Activity Week – Clapham North Play Human Table Football

Monday 27 June 2016

Rather than opting to venture off-site for their ‘House Outing’, Jeremy and Helen Long, House Master and Mistress of Clapham North, decided to break the mould with an unusual activity.

 On Wednesday 22 June, competitive as ever, the Clapham North girls got ready to play Human Table Football on Trew Lawn. In a giant inflatable version of the classic table-top game, the girls were divided into mixed-aged teams and challenged each other.

The mini tournament demanded teamwork, for as one girl moves all the others in her row must move with her, ensuring that everyone was yelling instructions and falling into fits of laughter within minutes of play. Of course, in any tournament, one team must come out victorious, and this time Cindy, Maddy, Sophie, Geralynn and Emiliya were the champions of the day.