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Borneo Expedition: Three Spaces Available

Thursday 12 January 2023

We are advised by Miss Yaffe that three spaces have become available on the 14 day World Challenge Expedition to Borneo in July 2024.

On this extraordinary trip, the pupils will experience the hidden treasures of Borneo - discovering the city of Kuching, trekking through the Bako National Park, volunteering at an orangutan sanctuary and immersing themselves in the Bidayun community and culture.

Taking part in the World Challenge expedition is an advantageous inclusion on the students' resumes and personal statements, and the trip can also be counted towards the residential element of their DofE Gold Awards.

The Borneo trip is open to pupils currently in Years 10, 11 and 12 and costs £3,595. The cost of the trip must be raised by the pupils through fundraising activities and can be paid in instalments. There is still plenty of time for pupils to organise their fundraising and Miss Yaffe is keen to hear the pupils' fundraising ideas and to advise where she can.

To find out more about the trip, please see the full itinerary below and speak with Miss Yaffe as soon as possible if you would like to secure a place. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.