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Bravo! Board – Congratulations to all Pupils!

Friday 18 June 2021

This week on the Bravo!Board, Mrs Vine, Examinations Officer, would like to congratulate all pupils for their excellent conduct during exam week. Our Queenswood values have been evident across the year groups with students demonstrating their engagement, resilience and care for one another.

Whilst sitting exams may be daunting at times, they are an important learning tool for students and teaching staff alike. Preparing for exams provides girls with the opportunity to consolidate their learning through thoughtful and well-planned revision and adapting to the exam environment is useful practice for their public exams and life as a young adult.

Our teachers will use the exam results to assess what students have learned, identifying particular strengths and weaknesses. This data will inform their future teaching and ensure that each pupil benefits from a personalised learning experience.

Mrs Moore - Head of Personalised Learning at Queenswood would like to extend her congratulations to pupils for all of their hard work and positivity this week.


"Despite all the challenges the students have faced this year, and coping with the hottest day of the year, they have been incredible.
In the PLC, we have been busy maintaining year group bubbles and ensuring individual needs are met. The students have approached their exams with commitment, determination and a high level of maturity throughout.
For Year 7 and Year 8 (due to lockdown last summer term) this was their first exam week at Queenswood.
Miss McNeaney, Ms Fox and myself have been hugely impressed with their excellent behaviour and attitude to learning.
Thank you to Mrs Eastwood and Miss Rihova in EAL for helping to support the students during this time too.
Well done to everyone."

– Mrs Moore, Personalised Learning

We hope to share more short snippets of news about the pupils' activities and achievements, pursued in and outside of school on the Bravo! Board. To share your news - big or small and earn points for your House, please email your news along with any photographs, from your school email account to Mrs Leigh at [email protected].