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Celebrating Achievement and Participation at the Queenswood Sports Award Dinner 2019

Friday 7 June 2019

On Friday 17 May over 200 girls, staff and leavers parents looked back on the last 12 months of Sport at Queenswood.

The evening was hosted by Director of Sport Jo Wakeley, and prizes were awarded by England rugby star Jess Breach. Our new Chaplain delivered an inspiring ‘sporty grace’ and principal Jo Cameron spoke to all congratulating them on their achievements.

Milly Davies (Sports Chair) and her committee reviewed the year. It was a year of success, travel, fun, team spirit, trophies and participation. The evening celebrated all aspects of Sport at Q, from volunteering to elite excellence.

Some impressive statistics were revealed:

  • This year we have run 1,920 clubs and training sessions
  • We have played in 603 fixtures in 17 different sports
  • This year Queenswood has a total of 120 teams
  • 261 girls in the school have played for a team
  • 128 girls in the school have played Hockey. 117 girls have played Netball
  • Year 8 have the highest representation, with 90% of the year group playing a fixture
  • 1st XI Hockey and U13 A Netball teams have played the most fixtures this season with 29 each!
  • Year 10 have represented the school in the biggest variety of sports – 13 in total

The winners of the awards presented on the night were as follows:

Team of the Year
1st XI Hockey - Tier 2 National Finals

Sports Personality of the Year
Peace Akinyemi – U17 England Netball Team

Team of the Year
1st XI Hockey - Tier 2 National Finals

Club of the Year
Early Morning Fitness – for getting out of bed!

Most Improved Team
Junior Swimming

Team Player of the Year
Maia Mountain

Volunteer of the Year
Eleanor Blakemore – Year 7 Hockey

Junior Pupil of the Year (PE Team House)
Moni Olubajo

Senior Pupil of the Year
Ella Higgens

Club of the Year
Early Morning Fitness – for getting out of bed!

A full list of nominees can be found here: