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Chapel Highlights: Here I Am Lord

Thursday 9 February 2023

Our Chapel services this week were led by the students. On Monday, we heard from the Diana Award Ambassadors. The goal of the Diana Award is to empower young people to positively influence their school communities, giving the student body a voice on issues around diversity, well-being, friendship and bullying. The Diana Award philosophy is that all young people should be empowered to be upstanders.

The ambassadors referred to the many ways we can intervene when we witness unkind behaviour, and encouraged us to make the school community as supportive as possible. They acknowledged that it was not always easy to do so, and advised that one of their roles is to intervene and mediate in such situations. All students can email the ambassadors directly at [email protected]. Miss Cronin will help to monitor the emails for safeguarding reasons, and any concerns raised will only be shared with a limited number of people.

On Wednesday, the prefects led our final Chapel before the half term break. They talked about how we could help someone who was being bullied and acted out a script, role-playing alternative scenarios. They ended with two quotes.

As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.” Paul Shane Spear

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” Martin Luther King Jr.

We sang the hymns, I Vow to Thee my Country and I, the Lord of Sea and Sky.

As we approach half term, I encourage you to remember the victims of the Turkish earthquake and hope that you have a safe and relaxing half term.

With every blessing,
Rev'd Vindra Maraj-Ogden