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Chapel Highlights: Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise

Thursday 23 February 2023

On Monday in Chapel we sang the hymn, Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven and Mrs Cameron spoke about the importance of creativity. Creativity helps us to solve problems more effectively, to think 'outside the box', to communicate better, to reduce stress and find relaxation, to adapt to change, to become more productive, to learn and grow, to build relationships and connections, to find purpose and meaning and to live longer, healthier lives. Mrs Cameron encouraged us all to look for opportunities to use our creativity, especially when dealing with challenges.

On Wednesday in Chapel, we observed Ash Wednesday and were reminded that it marked the period of Lent which lasts for 40 days and culminates in the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, on Easter Sunday. We sang the hymn Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise. This hymn emphasizes the holiness of God and offers good material for Lenten reflection.

Rev'd Vindra explained that Lent was characterised by a time of deep self-reflection, prayer, self-denial, charitable giving, repentance, reading and meditating on the word of God. We were encouraged to think about patterns of behaviour that we would like to change and to make those changes in the next forty days. Rev'd Vindra also advised that if over this time anyone had questions about God, faith or spirituality, she would be available in her office every Monday from 1.45 pm for a chat.

Whether you are taking on an activity over Lent or indeed giving something up, then I pray that you will not waiver and that your lives will be enriched.

With every blessing,
Rev'd Vindra Maraj-Ogden