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Chapel Highlights: Remembering Rev’d Dr Martin Luther King

Friday 20 January 2023

This week in chapel we celebrated and gave thanks for the life and work of the Rev'd Dr Martin Luther King Jr. On the third Monday of January each year, we remember the Rev'd Dr King's birthday and his work for racial equality.

We shared in the words of some of his memorable speeches and were reminded of our responsibility to take a stand against injustice and oppression. We heard about racial inequality and the importance of non-violent social change.

We sang one of the pupils' favourite hymns Shine Jesus Shine, asking that our land be filled with God's glory and our lives burn with a passion for justice and mercy. The last two lines of the chorus says, "Send forth your word, Lord, And let there be light!" They remind us that there is still so much darkness in the world where God's light needs to shine and bring hope and healing.

Rev'd Vindra ended with these words spoken by Etienne de Grellet (Stephen Grellet) 1773-1855

I shall pass through this life but once; therefore, if there be any good thing that I may do, or any kindness that I may show let me do it now; let me not neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.

Have a lovely weekend and be a blessing to others.

Rev'd Vindra Maraj-Ogden