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Chapel This Term: Celebrating our Queenswood Community

Thursday 20 April 2023

The Summer Term started on Tuesday and the community gathered in Chapel to sing the School Song. The Bible reading from 1 Corinthians told us how each part of the body is important and how all the parts with their different uses, together ensure that the human body can perform properly.

Our theme for this term in Chapel is 'celebrating the Queenswood community' and Mrs Cameron talked about all we have achieved over the last five years, despite the challenges of the pandemic. She also shared some of the plans for the School for the next five years and told us that her special pride was in the students and that Queenswood would continue to be a place where all would flourish.

On Wednesday, we sang the hymn Praise my Soul the King of Heaven and the Bible reading, taken from the Old Testament, told the story of Naaman, the Syrian military leader afflicted with leprosy who visited the prophet Elisha in Israel for healing.

Revd Vindra then spoke about leadership, citing fictional leaders that she really admired, including all the captains of the Starship Enterprise and President Josiah (Jed) Bartlet in the series The West Wing. She spoke about Naaman's style of leadership and encouraged us to give thanks for the leadership at Queenswood.

The students were challenged to think about what their own style of leadership would be and how to develop as a leader. Our Chapel service ended with prayers for all those in positions of leadership at Queenswood.