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Christmas Carol Service at St. Albans Abbey: RSVP Required

Friday 17 November 2023

Further to last week's newsletter and Mrs Stokes' email to parents on the 10th November, we are delighted to confirm that our Carol Service will be held in St Albans Abbey on Friday 8th December at 2pm

This is a whole school event which will include students, staff, parents, governors, friends and Old Queenswoodians and therefore, we do expect a significant number of people to be present. In order to ensure that the event runs as smoothly as possible, your support is sought in the following arrangements:

Parent/Guardian Attendance

We politely ask that parents/guardians advise us whether or not they plan to attend the carol service by completing this form. This is particularly important for those who require disabled access and also for those who have exceptional circumstances and wish to take their daughter home straight after the service. Please be advised that for safeguarding purposes, only students with exceptional circumstances and whose parents have informed us via the Google form, will be allowed to leave the abbey directly and not return to school.

Parking and entry/exiting of the Abbey

Parents/Guardians are asked to arrive at the Abbey no earlier than 1.45pm. Please park in a local pay and display car park as there is no public parking at the Abbey itself.

Once you have made your way to the Abbey, please enter and exit via the West Door (the “Abbey Gateway” end) to avoid congestion and simplify stewarding, particularly for the sake and safety of our students. At the end of the service, we ask that you remain seated until our students returning to Queenswood have left the building.

The Day

As it is a normal school day, students are expected to be in attendance. All students are expected in school at the normal time in full school uniform. Arrangements will be made for all students to be transported to and from the Abbey via coach.

We would prefer for your daughter to return to Queenswood, however, we understand that there may be an exceptional circumstance which means that you would like for your daughter to leave the Abbey with you. If this is the case, please ensure that you tell us about this when completing the attendance form referred to above. 

The service is timed to end at 3pm and, therefore, we expect for all students to have returned to Queenswood by 4.30pm, ready for transport to leave at 4.45pm. Collection of all other students should be from the car park, as normal.

Retiring Collection

We will be holding a retiring collection for Ella’s, a charity that supports women survivors of trafficking and exploitation; there will be an opportunity to donate via cash or card, should you want to.

We look forward to seeing you at the Abbey for what promises to be a truly wonderful celebration.