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Christmas Hamper Donations – Deadline Monday 30 November

Thursday 26 November 2020

Reverend Vindra would like to express her grateful thanks to all those families who have already donated gifts for our Christmas hamper charitable giving project.

You may remember from last week's newsletter, that this year we are supporting families from a local school who will benefit from receiving a Christmas hamper. Also we are responding to requests of support from local churches and the Hatfield Food Bank.

Year 7 girls delivering baskets to the Chapel. Next week they will be filled with the items you have generously donated.

To support this project, we are asking each girl to bring in one item, which will then be included in a beautiful hamper, assembled by Ms Yaffe's Sparkle Teams from Year 10 and Year 11!

To ensure that our hampers contain a variety of gifts, we are asking each year group to donate a particular item. These items are as follows:

Year 7     Box or tin of chocolates
Year 8     Hot chocolate drink
Year 9     Christmas savoury snacks
Year 10   Tin of biscuits
Year 11   Mince pies
Year 12   Non-alcoholic Christmas pudding (as requested by the Food bank)
Year 13   Christmas crackers (box of 6)

If girls haven't already done so, we are asking them to bring their gifts into school on Monday and leave them in the chapel porch, as they did with their Harvest donations. As our Year 8 girls have been working remotely and therefore not able to bring their gifts to school, we are in particular need of tubs of hot chocolate drink. We would gladly welcome any additional donations of these. Gifts will be sanitised before the hampers are prepared at the end of next week.

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for helping us to share some Christmas kindness.