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Christmas Hampers: A Gift From Queenswood

Thursday 19 November 2020

It has been a challenging year for so many people in different ways, and at Queenswood, we are aware that many families in our wider community will struggle over the Christmas period.

After the wonderful generosity shown by our Queenswood families and staff when they donated food and other items for our Harvest collection, Reverend Vindra would like to ask for your help with our Christmas charitable giving.

Having reached out to the local Methodist churches, she has made a connection with a local school where some fifty families would benefit from Christmas hampers. This is in addition to requests of support from local churches and Hatfield Food Bank. 

To support this project, we are asking each girl to bring in one item, which will then be included in a beautiful hamper, assembled by Ms Yaffe's Sparkle Team!

To ensure that our hampers contain a variety of gifts, we are asking each year group to donate a particular item. These items are as follows:

Year 7     Box or tin of chocolates
Year 8     Hot chocolate drink
Year 9     Christmas savoury snacks
Year 10   Tin of biscuits
Year 11   Mince pies
Year 12   Non-alcoholic Christmas pudding (as requested by the Food bank)
Year 13   Christmas crackers (box of 6)

Gifts will be gratefully received on or before Friday 27th November and we ask that the girls leave their donations in the chapel porch, as they did at Harvest. Gifts will be sanitised before the hampers are prepared.

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for helping us to share some Christmas kindness.