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Christmas Hampers: A request for donations

Friday 18 November 2022

After your amazing generosity last year, Queenswood would once again like to donate Christmas hampers to our local community and this year we are giving our gifts to Carers in Hertfordshire.

Through your donations, we will be supporting young people under the age of 19 who help to care for someone who is ill, disabled, elderly, or who misuses drugs or alcohol. We would like to prepare 75 hampers and would be very grateful if you could provide the items below, depending on your daughter’s year group. We will be delighted to receive at least one item, but if you are able to provide more, all gifts will be gratefully received.

Year 7- Box/tin of chocolates
Year 8- Tin of biscuits
Year 9- Christmas savoury snacks
Year 10- Mince pies
Year 11- Hot chocolate
Year 12- Preferably, non-alcoholic Christmas pudding
Year 13- Christmas crackers

Items will be gratefully received on or before Thursday 24 November and we ask that the students leave their gifts in the Chapel’s main entrance porch or the Cloisters’ entrance, as they did with their Harvest gifts.

Thank you for your generosity.

Best wishes,
Rev’d Vindra Maraj- Ogden