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Christmas Hampers: Please bring in your gifts

Friday 26 November 2021

After your amazing generosity last year, Queenswood would once again like to donate 75 hampers, to be shared between local families in need as part of our Christmas charitable giving. 

Unfortunately as we go to print, we have only received a small number of donated items for the hampers. The hampers are a very special gift for families in our community who have had a particularly difficult year and we really need your help to organise them.

So please join in with this important effort and consider adding one or two items to your shopping basket this weekend, which your daughter can bring in to school on Monday. We are asking each year group to donate a particular item. These items are as follows:

Year 7     Box or tin of chocolates
Year 8     Hot chocolate drink
Year 9     Christmas savoury snacks
Year 10   Tin of biscuits
Year 11   Mince pies
Year 12   Christmas pudding (preferably non-alcoholic)
Year 13   Christmas crackers 

Gifts will be gratefully received on or before Friday 3rd December and we ask that students leave their donations in the chapel porch, as they did at Harvest. 

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for helping us to share some Christmas kindness.