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Clare Balding’s inspirational message to Queenswoodians

Friday 3 November 2017

We were extremely privileged to welcome broadcaster, author and journalist Clare Balding to Queenswood on Tuesday 31 October. She was in conversation with BT Sport’s Sue Mott, and was also interviewed by Lucy Wakeley, Jess Hurley and Jess Hawes from the school’s Media Team.

Clare’s visit couldn’t have been more timely, with the issues of equal pay for women and sexual harrassment in the workplace. She spoke with great humour and candour, and her advice to the young women in the audience – whatever their career aspirations – was tremendously empowering.

Clare Balding on equal pay for women web from Queenswood School on Vimeo.

Of all the messages we took away from the event, this was surely the most inspiring.
“Don’t have the ‘imposter syndrome’. Don’t be constantly saying how lucky you are, and you’ll do it for nothing, and you’ll do another 10 hours for nothing. And don’t let it be about the ones who shout the loudest. For all that people say that women don’t ask for a pay rise often enough – why should they have to? … But you do need to be tough and stand your own ground. And you can do that quietly and persistently, or sometimes you can just raise your voice a little bit. Or, even more disturbing for them, lower it…”

After the talk, she signed copies of her books in the new Library, and was wonderfully generous with her time.

We are delighted to report that Clare has donated her speaking fee to the Women’s Sport Trust.

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