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Enrichment Week: Part Two

Thursday 1 July 2021

Here is part two of our round-up of Enrichment Week 2021.

You can scroll through this page to browse all activities, or click on the links below to jump to specific articles.

Year 8 and 9 Art: Tessellations

Year 8 and 9: Ballroom Dancing Workshop

Year 12: Psychology Day

Year 8 and 9 Art: Tessellations

As part of a day of cross-curricular activities, Year 9 pupils spent time making beautifully intricate artwork incorporating tessellating patterns.

Year 8 and 9: Ballroom Dancing Workshop

We got to see Mr Paine, Head of Maths, in a new light on Thursday 24 June, as he and his dancing partner put Year 9 through their paces in a series of energetic and highly entertaining ballroom dancing workshops. Here is a video of Mr Paine demonstrating his techniques to a group of highly impressed pupils in Queenswood Hall.

Year 12: Psychology

Mrs Christoforou has more information about the fascinating Psychology day that took place on Friday 25 June.

Year 12 were treated to a day of lies and deception on Friday followed by a murder mystery event from Murder One.

To begin they sat through a session where they learned how to detect lies through analysing body language and facial expressions. They then played a game of ‘truth or lies’ among themselves to see if they were any good at detecting lies (most were not!)

Next they were tasked with watching videos to work out who was lying and who was telling the truth, by which point their skills were starting to improve. The morning concluded with an exploration of famous criminal cases such as the Tracy Andrews and Karen Matthews affairs.

Pupils were now well prepared for the murder mystery event and knew how to detect lies and how to question.
Enter eight professional actors, all well prepared and ready to trick us with misleading clues and photographic evidence. Who was the killer? Nina? Peri? Lysander? Hansen? Martha? Keegan? Tabitha? Year 12 soon drew up a list  suspects and motives. Excellent detective work – well done!