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Foley Sound Effects Workshop

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Drama and Music students squelched through ‘mud’, clip-clopped with plastic cups, bellowed like lunatics and gorged themselves on invisible
pies – all as part of a recording session to create sound effects for
the forthcoming production of Sweeney Todd.

The practice of recording everyday objects to create sound effects is known as Foley art, after the cinema sound designer Jack Foley, who pioneered his techniques with the advent of the ‘talking pictures’ in 1927.

Dramatist/Musician-in-Residence Tim Shaw will piece together the fragments of audio to build complex soundscapes to underscore the action.

Tickets for the four performances (Tuesday 26 – Friday 29 November) are available at

Watch a video of the girls creating the ambience of Mrs Lovett’s pie
shop (if you know the story, the sounds of enthusiastic chomping will be
particularly unnerving!)

…and now hear those sounds incorporated into Mr Shaw’s soundtrack: