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Golfer Lucy’s amazing winning streak

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Lucy Labdon (Year 10) has enjoyed an extremely successful season on the golf course.

Before the summer break, she played in the Enfield Club Captain’s Day along with over 160 participants. She came second overall, beating both her dad and her brother!

In August she was called up to the Middlesex Under 18s Girls’ Golf Team for County Week. Out of a squad of 10 players, only seven played each day; Lucy was delighted to be selected to play all four matches against very strong opposition.

She subsequently played in the semi-final of the Enfield Ladies Scratch Cup, where she defeated a seven-time club champion to reach the final. She also participated in the Jamega Pro Am (in which three amateur players team up with one professional, with the best two scores on each hole being recorded). Her team finished second, with Lucy’s scores being used on pretty much every hole.

At the start of September she won the Enfield Girls Club Championship, and at the time of writing she is leading in the Ladies Club Championship (the tournament runs over two weeks).

As a result of these tremendous successes, Lucy’s handicap has dropped from 16 to 13, and looks set to fall even further. Unsurprisingly, she’s been selected to play for Middlesex in three county matches over the coming months.