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Inter-House Pi Day Competition: Infinite Fun!

Friday 15 March 2024


This week the Maths department were very excited to hold the first ever Queenswood inter-house maths competition. Each competition was a shuttle which involves two pairs of students from each house answering questions in turn. The first pair complete the first question and then pass their answer to the second pair, this answer forms the starting point of the question the second pair are attempting and this continues until 2 questions are completed by each pair. Only when they have finished 4 fiendishly difficult questions are they allowed to check their answers, if the first question was done incorrectly then they will need to start all over again! They have 8 minutes to complete as much as they can and this is repeated for 4 rounds.

How quickly can you answer this question without a calculator?

We started the week with the year 7 and 8 students and after a lot of hard work and pages of furiously written calculations this was won by Hartley. On Thursday it was the turn of years 9 and 10 and the crown was taken by Waller this time. Finally on Friday, years 11, 12 and 13 came to compete for their house and after a very close run and fiercely competed 4 rounds, the winner was Hartley.

The overall score across all three competitions was Hartley 69, Waller 54, South 48 and North 30 so many congratulations to Hartley for being our first ever winners of the Inter House Maths competition. We are already looking forward to doing it again next year!

If you would like to have a go at answering the questions from the Inter-House Maths Competition, you can find them here.