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Into the Sixth Form – Showcasing Queenswood’s Unique Post-16 Offer

Thursday 6 October 2022

Year 10 and 11 pupils and their families got a real taste of what Queenswood’s Sixth Form has to offer at our open event on Tuesday 4 October.

They heard testimonials from current Sixth Formers, heard about the unique opportunities available – such as our newly-launched campus flat experience, and had the chance to tour the stunningly renovated Bellman Sixth Form Centre.

Most importantly, they met with teachers and students at our dynamic subject fair in Queenswood Hall. There were information stations for each of the 28 subjects on the curriculum, along with exhibitions on the EPQ, Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, World Challenge, Leiths Certificate of Food and Wine, and many more.

Click on the links below to watch videos of the speeches, and to download a digital copy of our Sixth Form Academic Information brochure, with details of all courses on offer at Q from September 2023 onwards.