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Junior Classics Trip to Sorrento

Friday 10 November 2023


In the first week of half term, the Classics Department took 40 students from Years 8, 9, & 10 to Sorrento, Italy. 

Students had the opportunity to experience walking in the footsteps of Ancient Romans on the streets of Pompeii and Herculaneum, admired the beautiful frescos of Villa Oplontis and were amazed at the scale of the Greek Temples at Paestum.

This was an incredibly enriching experience for the students, and the Year 10s in particular said that they felt so much more engaged with the content studied at GCSE now that they had seen the sites in real life. One student commented that it was amazing how something that had originally just looked like a rock in the street, now had so much more meaning.

We also had a lot of fun shopping in Sorrento, and learning about the process of producing organic ingredients for making pizza and then having a go at making (and eating) our own! It was a wonderful week and we can’t wait for the Senior Trip to Greece next year!