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Maths Week England: Year 7 and 8 Tackle Perplexing Puzzles

Friday 17 November 2023


This week the Year 7s and 8s have been taking part in some of the activities and puzzles set by the Maths Week England team. This year’s theme is ‘3 is a magic number’ and so we started by looking at the Triangular Threes puzzle

This started off easy, but adding numbers past 8 started to get very challenging. Here are some of our answers, created in about 15 mins.

We then went on to complete an online escape room which tested a range of mathematical skills, thankfully we were all successful and managed to rescue the trapped children!

We then went on to complete an online escape room which tested a range of mathematical skills, thankfully we were all successful and managed to rescue the trapped children!

Next we used our inequality knowledge to complete this Nrich task. This seemingly easy puzzle really made us think about a strategy for creating the largest numbers out of the digits we were given.

The Year 8s attempted the date challenge which proved to be very challenging. We managed to find a solution with one of the pieces flipped over but I still wonder if you can do it with them all the correct way up. What do you think?

Finally to complete the magic theme we looked at this video. Can you see how it is done?

We have all really enjoyed this week of challenging puzzles, and we have been left with a few still to complete that we will hopefully squeeze into lessons over the next few weeks – so get your thinking caps on!