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Millie Norton OQ: Cyber Security Graduate at Dyson

Thursday 10 March 2022

In the latest in our series of reminiscences from recent leavers, Millie Norton (OQ 2015) reflects on the encouragement from her Queenswood teachers that inspired her to study Computer Science to Master’s level, and to embark on a career with one of the world’s most innovative companies.

Upon leaving Queenswood in 2015, I went on to study Computer Science at the University of Glasgow. After graduating from ‘UofG’ with a 2:1, I embarked on a gap year, something I had known I wanted to do since Sixth Form, and something that was not discouraged by Q. I then decided to continue my studies and pursued a Masters in Information Security at UCL. In September 2021, I completed my Masters, passing with Merit and began a graduate role in Cyber Security at Dyson. 

One of the things I always think about is how fortunate we were to have constant support from the teachers. Even though Computer Science wasn’t offered at Queenswood at the time, I was encouraged to pursue the degree because it was something I was passionate about and genuinely interested in. I loved boarding at Q and in the Sixth Form we were given more independence, which helped prepare us for university, as we learnt how to focus time between studies, co-curricular commitments and socialising. 

I always look back on Q with fondness. I made friends for life, had opportunities to take on leadership, showcase my skills and always felt supported every step of the way.