Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Mrs Cameron’s End of Term Message

Friday 15 December 2023

As this very busy term draws to a close I reflect on the many wonderful events and opportunities that the students have experienced. September seems quite a long time ago now as the weather has most definitely turned and winter has arrived.

I write this as I prepare my end of term report for the final assembly. This awards assembly is always such a wonderful occasion where we recognise the contribution and hard work of the girls in half the subjects (we do the other half next term); as well as recognise the dedication and care of all our students by our academic and support staff.

In assembly, I will speak to the School about the importance of making themselves heard and the many opportunities they have to contribute to the Queenswood community via various student voice channels. The students are always at the heart of everything we do and I am passionate about ensuring they understand how to speak up to help shape their community. This is a theme I will be returning to next term.

A highlight of the end of term assembly is always the film round up, which can be viewed below.

In January I look forward to taking up my position as Chair of the Boarding Schools’ Association. This is an excellent opportunity for me to influence and work with the leading boarding schools across the United Kingdom and abroad. I am very excited about the Annual Conference for Heads in May, which I will Chair and lead discussions on a variety of important topics such as embracing and celebrating diversity, challenging biases and tackling the mental health surge in schools. It will be wonderful to recognise the dynamic and forward thinking schools in our sector. Boarding schools have for generations offered unrivalled quality of education and dedication to the holistic growth of the young people in our care.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and wish you, your families and friends a very happy and joyful Christmas. I look forward to welcoming the community back together in the New Year when spring will soon be upon us and Queenswood will be back in full swing!