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Mrs Cameron’s Half-Term Message

Friday 24 May 2024

As the half-term holiday is now upon us, I hope that you will be able to take some time out with your daughters to enjoy some holiday together as a family and make the most of the sunshine; it has to arrive at some point!

We have had a truly wonderful first half term and as always at this time of year, Queenswood is looking splendid, painted in stunning pink and purple flowers.

It has been a time of dedicated and focused academic work for all, but particularly so for Year 11 and Year 13 who went on study leave a couple of weeks ago. We wish them all the best as they approach these final few weeks and days of preparation. We know that they are working hard and it can seem like a large mountain to climb at times. The reality is of course that the hard work has already been done. Please remind your daughters that their teachers are available for them during study leave from 3rd June, if they would like some last-minute preparation. All they have to do is email their teacher directly and make sure they sign in at the GO when they arrive and sign out when they leave.

I have been delighted to meet some of the Year 11 parents recently at a Coffee Morning with the Principal event. I am holding these for all year groups and sincerely hope as many parents as possible can come along. It is simply an opportunity to chat with each other, speak to members of the senior team as well as ask me any questions you may have, or feedback you would like to give. You will have received an email from Mrs Rhodes but in case you missed it the dates are as follows:

  • Year 9 & 10 Coffee Morning, Friday 7 June – 8.15-9.15am
  • Year 7 & 8 Coffee Morning, Tuesday 11 June – 8.15-9.15am
  • Year 12 & 13 Coffee Morning, Friday 14 June – 8.15-9.15am

Alongside these coffee mornings it would be incredibly useful if you would take just a few moments to complete a parent questionnaire. We appreciate that being a parent at secondary school age is different to primary with less opportunity to visit the School. We are keen to increase parental engagement and would value your feedback by completing this questionnaire.

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the QPA for the energy and support that they are giving the School. Please do continue to look out for events they are running and if you can ever spare a little time to help them in any way, I am sure it would be very gratefully received. Their big event is of course fast approaching so if you have not yet got your summer ball tickets please do so.

I wish you all a wonderful half-term break.
Very best wishes,

Jo Cameron