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Music Scholar Tehya performs at the Barbican

Monday 24 April 2017


Music Scholar Tehya Dawson (Year 8) recently had the opportunity to play in a concert on stage with the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican at one of the LSO’s Children’s Concerts. Most young musicians are allowed to sit within the sections but not to play. After the rehearsal, Tehya was allowed the privilege of playing during the concert.

Tehya was also the first girl from Queenswood to take part in the International Easter Course – The New Virtuosi – held during the Easter holiday at Queenswood and run by violin professors from the Royal College of Music – Itzhak Rashkovsky and Ani Schnarch.

Tehya writes: ‘It was extremely tough and not like any other course I have ever done. The day started at 8am and ended at 9pm and included a Dalcroze lesson and rehearsals for solo and chamber music, plus we had to do four hours of practice each day!

‘During the course we played four concerts for the public and I was one of the soloists in the Vivaldi Concerto for Four Violins. I worked with Professor Yin Ke from Hong Kong and Ani Schnarch and Itzhak Rashkovsksy from the Royal College of Music. It was so inspiring hearing such talented violinists from all over the world and it was an incredible experience that I shall never forget.’