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Newsletter Club: Reading Suggestions from Leah G and Eva M

Friday 26 April 2024

Year 7 Newsletter Club reporters Leah G and Eva M, have been busy reading the books they were gifted when they joined the club back in September. Along with a short precis of each book, Leah and Eva share below what they enjoyed about their chosen reads.

Doctor Who: The Secret in Vault 13 by David Solomons

A sinister school where graduation means death...
A monstrous mystery lurking below a quiet London street...
A desperate plea for help delivered by... hang on. A potted plant?

The Doctor has been summoned. The galaxy is in terrible danger, and only a Time Lord can save it. But to do so, she must break in to an ancient vault on a remote and frozen world - from which nobody has ever returned alive...

Can the Doctor and her friends Yaz, Ryan and Graham uncover the shocking secret in Vault 13? A thrilling, hilarious and scary adventure for the Thirteenth Doctor, as portrayed on television by Jodie Whittaker.


“Hidden secrets, robots and scientists. A great book but worth reading the whole series first!” Leah G

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon

Born in a refugee camp, all Subhi knows of the world is that he's at least 19 fence diamonds high, the nice Jackets never stay long, and at night he dreams that the sea finds its way to his tent, bringing with it unusual treasures. And one day it brings him Jimmie.

Carrying a notebook that she's unable to read and wearing a sparrow made out of bone around her neck - both talismans of her family's past and the mother she's lost - Jimmie strikes up an unlikely friendship with Subhi beyond the fence.

As he reads aloud the tale of how Jimmie's family came to be, both children discover the importance of their own stories in writing their futures.


“A very interesting book with lots of twists and turns. Read more to find out!” Eva M