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Old Queenswoodians Hockey Reunion

Friday 25 March 2022

On Thursday evening this week, we were delighted to host a hockey match between some of our Old Queenswoodians and the School's current 1st XI team. OQ and Queenswood's Director of Tennis, Catherine Sluter, organised the event and shares her account of the evening below.

It was an exciting match with end to end play from start to finish with the Old Q team very excited about playing in their new Old Q 1stXI Pink Hockey shirts!

The Old Q team scored in the first half, after a series of penalty corners, with myself striking at goal and hitting the inside post for Anna Shaw to finish it off. The Old Q’s held off until the last few minutes where we accidentally scored an own goal.

Current Q girl Aleyna (who played for us in goal) played extremely well throughout the game. There was lots of laughter both on and off the pitch and a great team performance despite not having played together before!

Supporters enjoyed watching the competitive spirit as well as looking over some old photos that were on display in the pavilion! A great evening had by all and a promise to do it all again next year!

Catherine Sluter