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OQs Toluwa and Jemima: the Low-Down on Law

Friday 15 March 2024

Jemima Wolstencroft (OQ 2015 and Deputy Head Girl) and Toluwa Agboola (OQ 2016 and Head Girl) returned to Queenswood this week to share their journeys into Corporate Law and how their paths collided at Allen & Overy LLP.  

Jemima left Q in 2015 and went on to study Classics at Durham University whilst Toluwa left Q in 2016 and studied Politics and International Relations at London School of Economics. Whilst neither intended on a career path into law when starting university, they both ended up attending BPP law school at the same time, obtained training contracts at Allen & Overy, and now work as solicitors within the same department; Mergers and Acquisitions. They were both keen to share the importance of forging connections across year groups at school. After all, you never know who you might end up working with in the future! 

They talked through their journeys step by step, imparting their knowledge and experience to the Year 12s. Specifically encouraging the girls to take control of their own journeys by taking advantage of networking opportunities, researching companies they would like to work for, asking for feedback when you don’t succeed and much more valuable information. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jemima and Toluwa for taking the time to come back to Q to speak to our Year 12s; they found your session to be informative and insightful.