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OQ's triumph in the London Marathon

Monday 5 June 2023

OQ's Fiona Gold, Fleur Harvey and Lucy Klimowicz were all brave (or mad!) enough to take on the 26 mile London Marathon on Sunday 23rd April. 

You can read more about their individual experiences below. 

Fiona Gold

"Whilst I enjoyed hockey and tennis at Q in my younger years, I was never a runner. Like many, I picked it up at the beginning of lockdown when there was little else to do and the habit’s stuck. During that time, I also moved to a new area, near Epping Forest, and found it a great way to explore a new place. Since then, I’ve done races of varying lengths, but never thought I’d enter a marathon. It was after going to watch some friends and family run the London Marathon a couple of years ago that I had a moment of madness and applied for a charity place. I chose NSPCC because I was aware of their work and having worked both in children’s services in local government and online safety in my current role, I felt even more strongly that I’d like to support them.

This time last year, I was on my way to running the London Marathon in October 2022. One knee injury and a deferral later, I got a place to run this April and can now say that I finally did it! It was a brilliant, if not very wet, day and it made all the hours of training worth it. It really is true that the crowds carry you round, especially towards the end. The funniest fancy-dress outfit I spotted was a man ‘dressed’ as either Adam or Eve – either way, not much was left to the imagination. 

I would encourage anyone thinking of doing a run, cycle or trek for charity to consider supporting the NSPCC. They provided loads of support, a running coach and I learned a lot about the services they offer to young people and the impact they have, especially through Childline.

If you’d like to donate, it’s not too late. Thank you!"

Fleur Harvey

The 2023 London Marathon was Fleur's seventh marathon. Barely 6 months after she had run her 6th, with last years London Marathon taking place in October 2022. Fleur regularly runs with the St Albans Striders running club, and was happy with her 3:46 finish coming in 14 mins under the good for age banding! When's number 8?! 

Lucy Klimowicz

"It was my first (and last!) Marathon experience, the training was brutal and I had a few injuries in the run up which really set me back. But I was determined to get to the start line as so many generous people had sponsored me and I raised over £4k for Breast Cancer Now, a charity close to my heart having heard the dreaded words 'I'm afraid it's cancer' said to me 11 years ago when I found a lump in my breast. I got the all clear and am fit and healthy today so to give back to them was important to me. Marathon Day itself was wet and miserable at the start but having had a cold in the week leading up to it and a sore knee throughout training I was just pleased to be at the start line. The first 15miles or so we're great, the crowds are loud and really encouraging and super helpful when they are handing out jelly babies! I felt pretty dreadful from 15-18 miles then perked up a bit as I saw some family and friends (including some OQ friends who'd come to support me!) The miles from 20-26 were some of the longest I have ever run, each step was a real effort but coming through Westminster and turning to see Buckingham Palace is pretty cool especially as you can then see the finish line! A few tears were shed as I crossed the line a mix of pain and relief, I did it slightly slower than I had hoped at 5hrs 27mins but I am just so relieved I finished it, never to be repeated!"