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Pride Day 2023: Sunshine and Rainbows

Friday 9 June 2023

Photo Montage by Theodora C (Y13)

Students and staff had great fun on Friday celebrating Queenswood's Pride Day and showing our support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Led by Wellbeing Prefect, Georgie (Year 13) and Miss Chelsea Hill, Teacher of PSHCEE,  pupils organised a fair during lunchtime, where they ran stalls selling sweet treats, rainbow flags, hair scrunchies and friendship bracelets.

Sixth Form students also delighted pupils from all year groups with their face painting skills, painting rainbow flags on happy faces!

All funds raised on the day will be donated to Mind Out - a mental health charity supporting members of the LGBTQ+ community. We send our thanks to Georgie and Miss Hill for organising this joyful event.