Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Pupil Voice – School Council: ‘You Said, We Did!’

Friday 26 January 2024

Thank you to all pupils who have submitted comments and feedback via the School Council. Staff have listened to your suggestions and have implemented some changes.

You said:
Can we have more opportunities to talk to Prefects?
We did:
The Prefects have introduced break-time catch-up sessions on Tuesdays and Thursday.

You said:
PE leggings don’t stay up
We did:
We’ve asked for a new quality sample.

You said:
Can instrumental lessons not be timetabled during academic lessons (particularly in Year 11)?
We did:
We are looking at each individual pupil on a case-by-case basis to avoid clashes.

You said:
Can more desks be made available for Year 11 day pupils to do their study?
We did:
Most pupils now have their own desk.

You said:
Can we have more healthy snacks in the tuck shop so that more than one item can be bought?
We did:
From January you are able to buy one healthier snack and one other snack per visit.

You said:
The soap dispensers get blocked.
We did:
We are doing more regular checks to ensure they are working properly.

You said:
Day pupils shouldn’t be accessing boarding corridors.
We did:
We are controlling this using key card locks on doors.

You said:
Can we have a Culture Club?
We did:
Culture Club has been running since the start of the Spring Term.

You said:
Can there be more flexible PE options in Year 13?
We did:
We have introduced more flexibility.

You said:
Can we have BBQ sauce at lunchtime?
We did:
Sachets are now available every day.

You said:
Who is the School Counsellor?
We did:
Miss Bishop has done an assembly introducing herself to the school.

You said:
Can we have socials with other schools?
We did:
We are planning a social for Years 7 and 8 with Lochinver School in the Summer Term