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Queenswood A-Level PE Students at Harrow

Thursday 1 December 2016

On Thursday 24 November, the A level Physical Education students took a trip to Harrow School, to enhance their understanding of the development of sport in 19th century public schools, a key aspect in the Historical module of the course.

The girls were fortunate enough to have a tour of Harrow’s most notable facilities, including the Speech Room where the annual Churchill Songs preparations were taking place and the famous Fourth Form Room, where girls were able to identify the carvings of the names of Churchill, Byron and Peel.
We then moved to the sports facilities where we saw Racquets and Eton Fives being played; both sports were fascinating to watch and the girls gained an excellent insight into the modern day status of these 19th century recreations. The group gained a tremendous amount from this trip, which will support them greatly in their summer exams. A huge thanks to Harrow School for this opportunity and to Dale Vargas for his insightful tour.