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Queenswood Debaters Discuss Refugees at MUN Conference

Wednesday 2 March 2016

On Sunday 28 and Monday 29 February, eleven Year 12 (and one very brave Year 9) pupils attended Felsted School’s Model United Nations conference.  The theme was ‘the long and short term impacts of refugees’.  Delegates from Queenswood debated such topics as the obligations of countries to financially support refugees, from the perspectives of Chad, Germany and Saudia Arabia.  In the Human Rights committee, Maddy Davies’ resolution was selected for debate. Aided by a fiery opening speech, she succeeded in having it passed, which was no mean feat!  Her opposition included Yasmin Maturano Rodrigues who held a controversial point of view about the educationof girls, but defended her stance admirably. This was the first MUN conference for Queenswood, but many of them have now been bitten by the MUN bug and have begun planning our own conference for 2016 – 17…watch this space!