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Queenswood ISI Report: ‘Pupils’ attainment is outstanding’

Wednesday 16 August 2017

‘Pupils’ attainment is outstanding’ at Queenswood School, according to a recent ISI report.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate judged ‘the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements’ to be ‘excellent’. The report noted that ‘pupils demonstrate substantial knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum’, with communication skills and mathematical skills in particular described as ‘excellent’.

During their visit to the school in March 2017, the inspection team observed a wide range of lessons, and drew extremely positive conclusions, commenting on the excellent quality of learning in languages, science, art, design and technology, computer science, the humanities, sports and the expressive arts. They commented that ‘pupils’ substantial skills and knowledge result from well-planned lessons that provide them with challenging learning opportunities and effective support where needed.’

The achievement of pupils in competitions, sports and the expressive arts was deemed to be ‘outstanding’; the inspectors observed that ‘this is because leaders have fully embedded the school’s ethos of focus on the individual into teaching’.

The pastoral strengths of the school were also extremely highly praised: ‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’ Inspectors noted that ‘staff have high expectations of their pupils whilst giving them the tools with which to succeed, resulting in a culture where pupils can take a risk without the fear of failure.’ The decision-making abilities demonstrated by pupils was described as excellent, while ‘pupils’ spiritual development is outstanding’.

The boarding school ethos which pervades Queenswood was singled out as a particular strength, impacting positively on day girls and boarders alike: ‘The daily life of the school and the boarding houses builds a notably strong sense of community.’ Inspectors commented that ‘the deep respect that pupils show for one another is a great strength of the school’.

Principal Jo Cameron said: ‘We are ecstatic with the outcomes of excellent in all categories. This is the highest possible judgement a school can be awarded.’

She added: ‘I am delighted that the inspectors’ report captures what makes Queenswood such a special and unique learning environment. We are very proud of all we achieve on a daily basis and it is wonderful to have this recognition from ISI. We will of course continue to provide an exceptional education for all of our girls, where they can be the best they can be and more in all that they do.’

The full report can be accessed here.