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Queenswood Now and Then

Thursday 14 January 2021

Queenswood's buildings have been refurbished and repurposed many times since the school moved to its Hertfordshire site in 1925.

We’ve been trawling the archives to see how Q has adapted over the years, and we’ve put together these visualisations for you to enjoy.

Use the sliders to compare Queenswood now and then. (Many of the modern photographs were taken from our stunning 360º Virtual Tour.)

Head’s House (1930s) / Trew House (2018)

Entrance Hall, Head’s House (1930s) / Reception, Trew House (2020)

Chapel (1928) / Chapel (2020)

Original Library (1920s) / Staff Room (2020)

Bellman Library (1958) / Bellman Sixth Form Centre (2020)

Swimming Pool (1948) / Pauline Edgar Library (2020)

Great Hall (1937) / Clarissa Farr Theatre (2020)

Palaestra (1971) / Queenswood Hall (2020)