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Queenswood prepares to head to the polls in Mock Election

Monday 9 December 2019

As the country goes to the polls in a snap general election, pupils at Queenswood are getting involved, experiencing democracy first hand with their own Mock Election on Tuesday 10 December.

Mock Elections actively engage pupils with the democratic process and show how
politics affects their everyday lives. Students of A-Level Government and Politics are gaining hands-on insight into how the election works as they run for office, create manifestos, canvass support, design campaign posters and literature and cast their votes. Other pupils are organising the election itself – registering voters, preparing the polling station, and counting the ballot papers.

The 2019 Mock Election involves students from across the school. Polling takes
place during break and lunch on Tuesday 10 December, and the results will be
counted and announced to coincide with the General Election on Thursday 12.

Election co-ordinator Stacey Hurndall-Waldron, Teacher of Government and Politics, said: ‘Our pupils are very excited about this opportunity. Many of them are highly politically aware, and are determined to make their voices heard. The results of the Queenswood mock election will be used to build a picture across the country of how the political landscape would be affected if young people had the vote. This will then be used as part of a national attitudes survey that will benefit future psephological research.’