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Queenswood Purple Challenge Club: Summer Holiday Competition Winner

Tuesday 10 October 2023

We are delighted to announce that Lola B-A from Stormont School is the winner of our latest Queenswood Purple Challenge Club (QPCC) competition - Vacations, Staycations, Days Out or Fun at Home. Congratulations Lola!

For the challenge, pupils were asked to write a short account of their summer holidays and our judge, Miss Folan, Teacher of English at Queenswood, felt that Lola's piece, in the creative format of a poem, was thoroughly enjoyable, unusual and injected great humour into the task.

Lola wins £30 of vouchers for her wonderful poem, which you can read here.

Runners-up certificates were awarded to Aliya from Lyonsdown School and Holly from Devonshire House School. Well done Aliya and Holly!