Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Queenswoodians in Botswana

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Seven girls travelled to southern Africa in the later part of the Easter holidays as participants in Queenwood’s second trip to Botswana. The first part of the trip was spent at Maru-a-Pula School in Botswana’s capital city Gaborone. Here the girls participated in a varied programme of activities which included community service, local visits and presentations aimed to provide insight into this successful African country.

Before returning home the girls spent two nights at Mosetlha Bush Camp in Madikwe Game Reserve, just over the border in South Africa. At Mosetlha the girls had a genuine experience of wild Africa and were fortunate to see up close four of Africa’s ‘Big Five’. A rare sighting of two leopards sitting in a tree with a recent kill was a particular highlight!


It is hoped that a student exchange link with Maru-a-Pula will provide further opportunities for girls to visit Botswana in the future.

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