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Queenswood’s Sixth Form Hispanists in Madrid

Monday 27 April 2015

Queenswood Sixth Form Spanish Students in Madrid - March 2015

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At 4am on Friday 27 April, 11 Sixth Form girls left schooland made their way to Luton Airport to catch a flight to Madrid. The aim of the
trip to Madrid was to bring to life the two cultural topics studied at A2 –
Guernica and the Spanish transition to democracy – with a culturally
action-packed weekend.  

The first stop in Madrid, after a delicious lunch in the
city centre, was a workshop on Guernica. The workshop explored some new ideas
concerning Picasso’s famous painting, and was an excellent refresher before visiting
the Museo Reina Sofia later that afternoon. Upon arrival, the girls were told
that they weren’t allowed to take photographs of the work itself, so they decided to
recreate the Guernica themselves outside the museum! Seeing the painting up
close allowed the girls to appreciate the finer details, as well as the
incredible breathtaking size of it. The exam requires the girls to talk about
the techniques and symbolism used in the painting, as well as its historical
significance, so the opportunity to see the painting at first hand was
extremely valuable. After an early start, walking through Madrid and learning
lots, the girls were ready to crash into bed.  

Queenswood Sixth Form Spanish Students in Madrid - recreating Picasso's Guernica

The second day of the trip was meant to include a visit to the
Congreso de los Diputados, where the Spanish military attempted a coup d’état
in 1981, but an enormous queue outside the building meant that the group was
unable to visit inside. Ever inventive, the Queenswood girls came up with a
solution – combining rowing and speaking practice on the lake in the Parque del
Retiro! After lunch, the girls headed to their workshop on Spain’s transition
to democracy – from the death of Franco, the Spanish dictator, in 1975, to the
elections of PSOE, covering the social and legal changes in this period. Again,
the workshop explored new ideas and offered a new perspective on events.
Afterwards, the girls headed to the cinema to watch a Spanish comedy – it was highly
amusing and enjoyable, and the Queenswood girls all loved it!

Queenswood Sixth Form Spanish Students in Madrid - combining rowing and speaking practice

On the third and final day of the trip, the girls headed to
the Palacio Real, the highlight of which was probably the throne room with its
incredibly detailed ceiling. Just as impressive was the immense dining room
table, with places for 150 guests! The visit to the royal palace was followed
by a shopping trip, after which the girls reconvened for chocolate con churros
with Miss Gimenez and Miss Pierre. Unfortunately, that was the last taste of
Spain for the girls, as they then had to leave for the airport. They arrived
back in England late on the Sunday evening, culturally enriched by the trip,
and also a little tired out.

Queenswood Sixth Form Spanish Students in Madrid - chocolate con churros