Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Queenswood’s Year 7s win Belmont Cross Country Relay

Thursday 5 March 2015

Queenswood Cross Country Runners at Belmont Relay March 2015

We would like to congratulate the Queenswood Year 7 girls who won theBelmont OTI Relays on Tuesday 3 March 2015. Their achievement is
particularly impressive, given that the event is U13! 
Ellie Gilmore recorded the fastest lap time, closely followed by Holly

Cross Country is rapidly increasing its profile
at Queenswood, thanks to the enthusiasm of the girls and the dedication of Mrs Curtin, Mrs Fox and Mr White.
It is particularly pleasing to report that many of our Sports and Tennis
Scholars are now involved on a regular basis.  


  • Ellie Gilmore (Sports Scholar)
  • Holly Hodgskinson (Sports Scholar Sept 2015)
  • Eliza Blayne
    (Principal’s Award Holder – Athletics and Cross Country)
  • Charlotte Tatum (Tennis
  • Hannah Kilpatrick (Sports Scholar)
  • Eleanor Blakemore