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Remote Learning: Summer Term 2020

Thursday 16 April 2020

The document above outlines our Summer Term interim timetable and some of the adjustments we have made to remote learning following our first experience of distance  teaching and learning during the last week of the Spring Term.

We have carefully considered the feedback that we have received from the questionnaires, as well as our aim to continue to provide a robust and balanced education, albeit remotely. We have made a number of small changes to the structure of the school day as well as the curriculum itself.

Highlights from the week beginning 20 April

Teachers and students have really enjoyed the challenges of adapting schemes of work and syllabuses for online learning. Some fascinating projects are up and running, and we look forward to sharing more of the girls’ work here soon.

Year 7 artists have been creating artwork using found materials from nature, in the style of Rake Inoue and Helen Ahpornsiri.

Year 11 Maths students are doing complex calculations based on their teacher’s real-life experiences – for example, estimating the amount and cost of ingredients for Mr Paine’s three-tiered wedding cake.

Year 13 Geographers are starting an online course run by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine which focuses on the causes, impacts and management of Covid-19.  At the end of the course the girls – and Mr Long! – will have a certificate of completion from LSHTM.

Year 12 and 13 Drama students have created an online Greek Chorus, and are now working on their own lip-synch musical montage.

English students in Year 8 have been getting to grips with Dracula, reading the text collaboratively through Google Meet, while in Year 7 they have been learning about the famous Cottingley Fairies and making some of their own.

In Science, Year 8 are using household objects to make models of the solar system.

In Practical Cookery, Year 7 girls have been putting together economical, healthy menus based on the ingredients in their fridges and cupboards.

Year 7 Historians have been building/creating/designing medieval castles – one student built a fortress especially for her guinea pigs!

Mrs Sparey’s Year 7 tutor group held a virtual bake-off, and the results look absolutely mouth-watering.